Yes, you heard right. Q3 will get 300 horses, 2.5-liter five cylinder and the letter «S» in the notation. About as. Consequently, the "Ku-three" - the most powerful and fastest among the counterparts. In production, this version will be no earlier than fall. And now I'm in Switzerland, near Zurich at the wheel of one of two bright blue 300-strong pre-prototypes, which ingolshtadttsy brought for a test drive along with the standard Q3.

Stolid Swiss are not the ear, do so not interested in Q3? That even a bright blue color is not attractive? Ah, yes ... In Europe, a "treshka" is sold from mid-June, so that people have heard about the new product. And in my view is quite common Q3, although he S line-package, but the label «TFSI» on the fifth door does not bode dizzy - well, a turbocharged engine, direct injection well, so what? Those now on every corner ... my eyes start to his ward to compel, but when utaplivayut accelerator.

Top! And immediately Q3 down to two or three gears down. Jerk, jerk in the chest, drove the air from the lungs (who went on fast cars, know what I mean), and "cross" under the indelicate rumbling exhaust sound carried away. Who is here? Without all-wheel drive traction so it would be difficult to implement.

Erection, that is a reaction to the gas almost lightning speed. Opposite the first "hundred" the speedometer needle is 5 seconds after the start of bewildering. "Maximum speed" is limited to 250 km / h. Higher limit. At speeds of "200" crossover is a little out of place - nervous, "looking for the road" (especially in the ruts) and readily responds to gusts of crosswinds. Still, Q3 - not a supercar. It is a tool for other purposes - to bring their owners in the Alpine ski resort of Saas-Fee-for poluzasnezhennym poluobledenevshim streamers.

Threw firewood? Be kind - Manage to stop. Brakes on "charged» Q3 serious. Composite front discs - perforated cast-iron work of the aluminum hub is connected by radial pins. That's it! Brakes (looking ahead) is significantly more accurate and informative than the "civilian", I am not talking about the effectiveness and endurance ... rudder slightly "heavier" and "more" than the standard versions of "treshki" - of course, other angles of the wheels, wide " footwear ", a large mass on the body ... a little more clearly transmitted to the road" dribs and drabs "- suspension stiffer. But I never for a moment feeling that I'm comfortable slippers. In the 300-strong superudobnyh slippers-runner. This "feeling of the car" still need to be able to make and implement the serial hardware. Bravo!

In this story fit finish. But I can not - "Overboard" remained the standard version of the crossover, which is painfully reminiscent of the habits already mentioned, and Skoda Volkswagen Tiguan Yeti.U conventional suspension in Q3 folksvagenovski stiff - in lane shaking. But the high-speed straight and arcs - the most it. The wheel, unlike the same Tiguan and the Yeti, weightless, but nice and moderately informative. Active suspension CES (Controlled Electronic Suspension) with adjustable shocks, working under the system Audi drive select, the car transforms. Provided by a preset change the character of damping of the suspension, the algorithm of the power unit and power assisted steering, depending on your wishes.

In Audi of drive of select “are sewn” four regimes: Efficiency, Dynamic, Comfort and Auto. Most assembled and responsive Q3 in the dynamic regime… Suspension here is pressed on the maximum, control a little “grows heavy”, and responses to the electronic pedal of gas become only more living.

Nevertheless independently of the selected regimes electronics nevertheless “conjures” with the hardness of suspension. “Drive of select” because of vibration pickups and position detectors of body follows the nature of the microprofile of road. And depending on conditions hardness correspondingly adjusts slightly. Interrogate sensors thousands of times per second. And on the basis obtained given electronics with the aid of the electromagnets changes the flow areas of the valves of the shock absorbers, through which is passed the liquid. The damping characteristics change both at the compression stroke and at the motion of ring-off. In Comfort the control is lightest, and suspension soft. But for the majority of conditions of better than rest is suitable the regime Of auto - in it the damping characteristics by electronics vary in the broadest band. Efficiency is interesting fact that many systems and components, for example cruise- control, conditioner, pass into “the economic policy”. Reactions to the gas here only “are suffocated”, and chassis works according to presetting Of auto.

However, but that motors? The weakest Q3 is equipped with 140- strong (320 N•m) [turbodizelem] TDI, it can work with the mechanical or automatic front-wheel-drive transmission. Remaining modifications with the motors 2.0 TFSI (170 and 211 hp) and 2.0 TDI (177 hp) work only in the composition of all-wheel-drive transmission. Specifically, such machines will be sold.

The [turbirovannyy] two-liter 211- strong aggregate with the direct injection in the standard goes with the robot S of tronic, develops moment into 300 “newtons” in the [shirochennom] range 1800-4900 r/min and accelerates machine to “hundred” in 6,9 seconds. Is good, [chertyaka]! But less powerful two-liter variation TFSI, which put outs 170 hp, I would prefer on “the knob”. Too vain a S of tronic seemed in the tandem with this motor. Moment here also be covered - 280 newton meters in the interval of 1700-4200 r/min. Acceleration to final “hundred” - 8,2 seconds. Unquestionable plus - the best efficiency - 7,3 liters on 100 km in the mixed cycle, against 7,7 in the 211- the strong of [motora].[A] now give let us be dismantled, it does have sense to overpay for Audi Q3, if much of that proposed by engineers it is possible to take in the skin Of [tiguana] and To [yeti]?

If diesel motors on all three automobiles are identical (range of power from 140 to 170-177 forces), then in the gamma of benzine aggregates there are differences. For example, for the damage flag is the [turbirovannyy] 152- strong motor 1.8 TSI. [Audi] has the weakest gasoline engine on 18 hp. it is more powerful (true, in renovated “[folksa]” this aggregate it issues still to 10 forces more - 180 hp). The gamma of motors in [Folksvagena] is limited to the 211- strong cursor, which so there is in Audi. The intelligible matter, for the average man and this is strong for the eyes, but [A]udi for the amateurs to drive with the breeze is capable of proposing unprecedented 300- strong motor ...... and [multimediynuyu] system MMI with “the point of access”, at which special attention deserves the navigation, which works with the [guglovskimi] maps. Clearly, it is convenient, it is pleasant and simply steeply. Optional 465- watt music Of bang & Of olufsen (it they position as Hi-End) - the prerogative Of audi, and it is good Beza any reservations. But DVD, digital tuner and [parkovochnaya] camera are accessible even on [Tiguane]. Start- feet, active head light, automatic “[parkovshchik]”, capable of [zaparkovat] automobile as it is perpendicular, so also in parallel, and also numerous assistants, like the systems, which track after the marking and “dead zones”, there is in Q3, and in Tiguan.

But [Tiguan] and To [yeti] are more utilitarian. They have a system of aid with the descent from the mountain, and on the part of the transformation of salon propose more than possibilities. For example, in [Folksvagene] rear cut “sofa” not only it is added in the proportion 2:3, but still it has adjustments - segments independently of each other they drive forward and backward, but backs are regulated on the inclination. In To [yeti] so generally moreover that the rear seats are divided into three parts and they are regulated analogously with [folksvagenovskim], so they still in addition detachable. The salon Of [audi] simpler and similar metamorphoses ensure cannot. The cut back is here added trivially as in usual [khetchbekakh]. It is good, although hatchway for the skis with the case is provided.

So that intra-corporate subordination is observed. Q3 it is bonus, it is more stylish, it is more powerful, it is more rapid, only it is quieter, has more than gloss in the controllability and possesses a large quantity of functions, which increase comfort. But in this case it less than [praktichen].[U] us dealers a preliminary record on Q3 already keep (sale they will begin in October). Turn, of course, not such, as on E -[mobil], but, if you want to obtain machine in winter, makes sense to hurry. Prices are declared. All machines in Russia will be all-wheel-drive. Most accessible will become version with 170- strong benzine TFSI and six-stage mechanical gearbox - 1 279 000 rubles. For “the robot” S of tronic it is necessary to pay the remainder 71 thousand rubles. Of two let out diesel versions in Russia will be represented more powerful - 177- strong. 1 450 000 rubles will ask for it. Q3 with the benzine 211- strong engine it costs from 1 525 000 rubles. In all performances in the base are ESP and six pillows of safety. But here version with the 300- strong motor will appear strongly more lately. Its production still at the stage of adjustment.

Nearest competitors Q3 - this BMW X1 and Range Of rover Of evoque. [Zadneprivodnaya] 150- strong BMW X1 will manage the minimum into 1 270 000 rubles. All-wheel-drive version costs 1 399 000 rubles. At the apex of rule - 245- strong all-wheel-drive modification for 2 080 000 rubles. Five-door Range Of rover Of evoque in the initial performance with the front drive, the mechanical box and by 150- strong diesel costs substantially more expensive than the 170- strong Q3 with all-wheel drive - 1 600 000 rubles. The all-wheel-drive 190- strong version Of evoque on “the automaton” will manage into 1 675 000 “[re]”, and [topovaya] version with the motor 240 hp. it costs 1 830 000 rubles. Q3 it appears against their background more than attractively.